This is the official website of the NFSC


The NFSC and the Whistleblowers’ Movement still believe that the U.S. justice system is the best in the world

Part 1: The NFSC and the Whistleblowers’ Movement still believe that the U.S. justice system is the best in the world

6/20/2024 [Kevin on Wayne Dupree Podcast] Kevin: The NFSC and the Whistleblowers’ Movement still believe that the U.S. justice system is the best in the world. We are very grateful that the whole world, the media, and everyone can see Miles’s case, see how evil the CCP is, and understand the significant impact this case has on the entire world!

Part 2: The NFSC is basically assisting in any operation that will help take down the CCP

6/20/2024 [Kevin on Wayne Dupree Podcast] Kevin: Please keep an eye on news regarding the CCP. Currently, the NFSC is basically assisting in any operation that will help take down the CCP, including spreading information about Miles Guo’s trial and exposing the CCP’s evil deeds.


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